Finally an Easy to Use Anti-Collision System in Cars

Suburu has developed a straight-forward safety system that responds pro-actively to prevent crashes or reduce their severity. The Eyesight System doesn’t blink, get distracted or experience fatigue like the human driver. It can alert the driver, slow the vehicle or attempt to stop the vehicle, according to the situation and driver response.

Eyesight Basics

The visible part of the Eyesight system surrounds the traditional rear-view mirror. The cameras can detect stopping or stopped cars and other large objects. It uses warning signals to stop driver error and, when a driver can’t or doesn’t respond, the Eyesight system will actually apply the brakes at maximum force. The system uses stereo processing to recognize images from the dual cameras.

Eyesight Interaction with the Driver

Eyesight monitors the driver’s actions. It can see and/or sense when the driving is erratic, perhaps due to driver fatigue.  Since the cameras see lane markings, this includes lane departure warnings for a vehicle that keeps swerving. Even if a car is just swaying in its lane, the cameras can alert the driver to possible danger from poor driving. If Eyesight believes that a collision is possible, it can alert the driver to slow or stop.  Eyesight becomes a sixth sense for the driver.  After all, human attention can waver but electronic attention never does. This makes it less likely that the Suburu will wreck due to driver inattention or error.

Eyesight Interaction with the Vehicle’s Systems

The Eyesight system does more than sound warnings. If the cameras see an obstacle, the system can apply pre-collision throttle management. This reduces throttle to as little as five percent, alerting the driver and making it easier for the driver to be successful when braking. The system can also apply the brakes to stop wrecks or, at least, reduce the severity of the collision. Since the system knows how much pressure to apply, the brakes can achieve maximum force more quickly than with the normal human application to the brake pedal.

Eyesight and Speed

If driving less than 20 miles per hour, the system can stop in 2.5 seconds, avoiding almost all accidents in parking lots, on crowded city streets and in slow rush hour traffic.  At these lower speeds, it can also detect pedestrians.  This increases its ability to serve the driver and others on the road.

As speeds increase, the pre-collision throttle management can really make a difference by reducing power to the engine and slowing the car naturally before the brakes are even applied. The system is always alert to dangers and is quick to warn the driver.

Eyesight Interaction with Cruise Control

In speeds over 25 mph, a driver can utilize cruise control that is enhanced by Eyesight intelligence. It acts more like an auto-pilot in a plane.  It will not only maintain speed, but also it will maintain a healthy distance between vehicles.  It can maintain pace, stop when the lead vehicle stops and prompt the driver to resume cruise control when the lead vehicle resumes.

Unexpected Dividends

Eyesight provides an unexpected dividend for Suburu drivers. If the driver accidentally puts the vehicle in drive instead of reverse, the vehicle will sense this and act to stop a collision. This means that it won’t hit the fence, another car, or the garage wall.

In all, the Eyesight system provides extra peace of mind for the driver and passengers of a 2013 Suburu.


Sohail Qaisar

Sohail Qaisar is the Founder and Managing Editor of, he founded this site in 2011. He loves to write on video games, tech & hardware. Contact him on this email address:

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