Ruben Fleischer wants to jump one step higher by making his most recent movie in January 2013, Gangster Squad. He is famous for making comedy movies but this time he has created something different and out-of-the-box. Gangster Squad is full of famous stars and looks like a real action-thriller. The whole scenario has been set in 1940s environment of Los Angeles, totally based on a true story.
The story starts when Mickey Cohen moves to Los Angeles to heat-up the market of crime activities by joining a uniform gang. But the only problem in his way is the cops that are really honest with their duties and almost impossible to keep them away from the game. The leader of the cops is Sergeant John O’Mara, whose pregnant wife is worried about their future, because her husband is involved in dangerous work with a lot of risk to his and her wife’s life. But with the passage of time she agrees to support his husband for this cause.
The character of Sergeant John O’Mara is actually played by Josh Brolin. The squad which is picked for helping Sergeant John O’Mara includes a name ‘Jerry Wooters’, who fall-in-love with Cohen’s girlfriend ‘Grace’, which makes the story even more interesting. The role of Jerry Wooters and Grace is played by Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone respectively.
Strong Points:
The locations are pretty good; dress-up of the gang members is very cool! Overall story, dialogue and action are quite decent. The twist in the story makes it a bit of fun to watch. Not a boring movie, very watchable!
Weak points:
Gangster Squad includes a lot of violence, focusing on criminal activities. Too many violent scenes are reducing the overall value of the movie. You can’t watch that kind violence with your family members!
By ignoring its weak points, Gangster Squad is not a bad movie at all, with solid storyline, super-actions and real-acting makes it worth a watch!
An aMazInG CriTical AnaLysis Of ThE Movie As Well As a GooD MovIe tOO…..