There’s no doubt about it: writing and maintaining a blog is a lot of fun. Not only are you free to write about whatever you want, but you are in control of all of your content — from the pictures that appear on your page to the look and layout of your blog as a whole. No matter how much work you put into your blog, however, it won’t matter one bit if no one is reading it. Here, you’ll find helpful tips for creating a readable, dynamic, and unique blog that is sure to get tons of attention and to keep you blogging for years to come!
A unique concept
With so many blogs available on the internet today, it’s hard to write one that truly stands out and catches people’s attention. One of the most surefire ways to get people interested and to keep them that way is to have a unique hook or concept to your blog. While your friends and family might tune in just to check out your latest photos or to read about your day to day life, that’s not going to draw in readers from around the world. So, think of a unique and interesting concept for your blog. Fashion lovers can show off their crazy daily outfits, while green fanatics can share tips on creating a greener home and a better environment all around. Foodies can feel free to come up with innovative new recipes, or you could even review local restaurants or entertainment venues in your area. Let your imagination run wild and remember that the sky is the limit! The more out-there and different your blog idea is, the better!
Be visually appealing
When most people think about writing a blog, their focus is all about content. While content is important (probably even the most important thing about your blog) visuals are important as well. Try incorporating fun, high quality photographs into your blog. Also, stylistically speaking, make sure you choose a design and a font size, style, and color that is easily readable. You could have the best blog in the world, but if it’s a pain to the eyes, it’s probably not going to get read. Also think about layout in general. Is your blog easy to navigate? Can people find the posts they are looking for without a lot of hassle? If the answer is no, then some reformatting is definitely in order.
Know your readers
One of the most helpful things that you can do is to determine who is reading your blog or, in other words, who your target demographic is. While there are lots of fancy programs that can track who read your blog, when, and where they are located, you can also do a lot of this detective work yourself. Pay careful attention to comments on your blog and take feedback seriously. Also, consider who you want to read your blog. Is your blog designed to appeal to moms, to teens, to baby boomers, or anyone else in between? When you know who your readers are, it’s much easier to create content that works for them and that is sure to catch their attention. Also pay attention to popular and unpopular posts, so you can figure out what you’re doing right (and should keep doing!) and what you’re doing wrong and need to change.
well, nice