Top 25 Best and Exciting RPGs for Your iOS Device

RPG’s (Role Playing Games) are highly popular with gamers, and developers have gone out of their way to develop great RPG games for the variety of devices that utilize the iOS platform. In this article we’ll have a brief look at some of the RPG games that are making waves with Apple gadget owners.


Fans of Zelda will adore the graphics and gameplay of Zenonia and its sequels. The sense of humor intertwines with the storyline perfectly, and this RPG is a pleasure to play on iOS devices. You play as Regret, a character looking to avenge the death of his father, who was killed at the hands of an evil demon.

Bard’s Tale

Bard’s Tale is another classic reboot that has successfully transferred from console to iOS. Not ten years on, the 3D RPG has been revamped and reworked for use on Apple devices. The revised edition of the game has gone down a storm with fans old and new, and it’s worthy of a download.


Vay is a fantastic reboot of an old Sega game, and a perfect download for older retro gamers as the original game has been kept almost perfectly intact. New gamers will have no problem getting to grips with this odd (and some may say old) RPG.


Silversword is a fantasy RPG that will appeal to lovers of the Bard’s Tale iOS game. Players will build up their skills through experiences and battles against skeletons, goblins and other enemies. You’ll also need to explore the dungeons to dig out any hidden treasures lurking in the dark murky depths. An expansion pack is expected in April 2013.

Please Stay Calm – Zombie Apocalypse

This is a brand new iOS RPG that was only introduced to the market in March 2013. However, given the current craze for zombie games there’s no doubt that this new game will be a big hit with iOS gamers.

Lunar: Silver Star Story Touch

Lunar is another Sega reboot that has transitioned from a classic console to the modern touch screen technology. This anime style app has been given a retro touch throughout, helping to create a nostalgic game for those demanding die-hard fans. Coming soon to your iOS device

Minecraft World Explorer

Videos of gamers playing Minecraft have dominated YouTube, and if you haven’t yet given this RPG game a good blast then now is the time to do so! There’s a great online community and plenty of support for both the players and the software so be brave and get involved!

Final Fantasy I, II & III

It would be immoral, in a word, to not include at least one of the Final Fantasy games in the list of the top 25 iOS RPG games. Any RPG lover will tell you that the Final Fantasy series is well worth the time (and financial) investment. Try Final Fantasy I or II for a cheaper alternative that still offers great gameplay. These early versions of what has proven to be one of the most successful RPG series ever made are still highly enjoyable, despite their somewhat limited graphical style. The Final Fantasy series is a compilation of great apps for new RPG players as well as retro gamers.

Fighting Fantasy: House of Hell

House of Hell is just one of the many games that make up the Fighting Fantasy series, and all of the RPG’s within this series have proven to be very popular with both critics and gamers.

Baldur’s Gate

Baldur’s Gate is yet another classic that has successfully made it’s way from the classic console to the ultra modern iPad. This well designed RPG is certainly much prettier on the eye than some of the other games listed here, but it can be a bit overwhelming for gamers not familiar with the series.

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes

Might & Magic offers a fantastic mix of puzzle solving with RPG gameplay, and the immersive storyline, interesting characters and impressive graphics have helped this game establish a great reputation among gamers.

Symphony of Eternity

Symphony of Eternity is a Final Fantasy inspired RPG, but it is one of the more expensive RPG iOS games. Unlike Final Fantasy, there are no random attacks; the player picks all of the battles that they engage in, making for a much more enjoyable game.

Kingdom Conquest II

Another SEGA reboot, Kingdom Conquest II is an epic and highly enjoyable free to play iOS game that allows you to bit your skills against over real players online.

Guardian Saga

Lovers of 8 bit gaming will appreciate the simplistic but highly enjoyable gameplay offered by Guardian Saga.

Ravensword: Shadowlands

Ravensword presents gamers with the opportunity to explore a highly detailed world, rich with weaponry and miscellaneous items that will help you on your many quests as you attempt to solve the mysteries within the Kingdom of Tyreas.

Mage Gauntlet

Mage Gauntlet may look like a little lacking in graphics, but it makes up for it in the old school style of RPG gameplay. Not an award winning game by any stretch of the imagination, but an enjoyable one nonetheless.


Gizmonauts is a great name given to a great game. The aim is to collect your very own space robots and to beat your opponents with bot comps. Once you have earned a robot, you can customize the little character. It’s a great RPG that’s a big hit with gamers of all generations.


If you’re looking for an award winning RPG that a unique spin on narration and a wonderfully intricate and imaginative storyline then Bastion is most definitely the RPG game for your iOS device.

Shining Force

Old school exploration, puzzle soling and turn based fighting sequences will make this iOS RPG a nostalgic blast from the past for many gamers. Fights are not fought on a blow by blow basis, and you will need to use tactics to beat your enemies.

Sacred Odyssey: Rise of Ayden

This beautiful RPG makes far more use of the graphic options offered by the iPhone, and this visually appealing 3D game includes fantastic (but easy to control) slash n hack combat. It’s a great adventure game that will entertain for hours on end.


Dungelot is a fun and laidback RPG that is not demanding but highly entertaining.

Cuber Quest

Cuber Quest is a slick looking almost cutesy puzzle based RPG that may irritate sum, but it will delight others. Cuber Quest is a marmite game, but if you like it you’ll find yourself hooked and playing for hours.

Infinity Blade

Infinity Blade is a visually stunning RPG that caught the eye of not just Apple users, but Apple themselves. The game was included as one of the apps used in a TV commercial promotion the iPad. Infinity Blade is more than just digital eye candy, it’s an action packed RPG with user friendly controls.

Pocket Legends

Pocket Legends is a great multiplayer RPG and will appeal to anyone who had a soft spot for WOW. Unlike other RPG games listed here, Pocket Legends frequently updates, helping to keep the game fresh. Updates include new areas to explore, new missions, new monsters and much more.

Dwarf Quest

For a highly detailed, almost board game like RPG that offers a fast paced turn based combat it has to be Dwarf Quest. If you think and act like a dwarf then you’ll thoroughly enjoy this unusual but highly successful iOS game.


Sohail Qaisar

Sohail Qaisar is the Founder and Managing Editor of, he founded this site in 2011. He loves to write on video games, tech & hardware. Contact him on this email address:

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